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                                                                                         and I'm the creator of The Hippie Detox. The Hippie Detox is not a diet, it's not a fad, it's not a quick fix, it's an abundant lifestyle which will allow you to become the healthiest version of YOU! Just as this lifestyle has transformed my life inside-out, it will allow you to change your life for the better and feel energised, free and happy. Who doesn't want that?


I chose this lifestyle because in 2012 I felt violently stomach ill every single day. I started feeling sensitivity when I was around twelve years old, it started with the inability to eat and form of dairy (lactose intolerance), but this was much worse. It seemed as though everything I ate made me nauscious, before I even put it in my mouth. I had severe stomach pains, bowel irritability, I was over-weight with severe acne and my hair was breaking off rapidly. I decided it was time to take back my life and feel great everyday instead of in pain. I did a ton of research online, watched countless documentaries and in the end, by far the method which showed the highest result in user feedback was using a Plantbased Diet.


It was decided, I was going to dive into a plantbased diet right away. I went to Indigo and picked up some vegan cookbooks, I found awesome blogs from pinterest and facebook. Finding ways to eat vegan wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. I found out that cooking certain things prooved difficult, but with extensive reasearch I found flawless methods for all my recipes.


I noticed improvements in my gut heath the FIRST DAY. I'm not kidding you, the first day of eating a plantbased diet I did not experience any stomach pain. This was the first day without pain in 3 years. I couldn't believe it, that's it, I was hooked. I continued to eat a vegan/plantbased diet during the week, then would eat whatever I wanted on the weekends, I figured it would be useful to give myself cheat meals to nip the cravings, bad idea I felt aweful every weekend. So I dove further, plantbased diet all the time, once and a while I may not eat plantbased but it is every 3 months or so, not every weekend.


Now I am feeling better then ever. People compliment me all the time on how healthy I look, how much I have changed for the better, how delicious my recipes are, it's amazing. I have never recieved so much possitive attention from a change I had made in my life. Changes are hard and sometimes they take a while, but trust me, this was worth it.


So that's why I am sharing this with you! Your ARE beautiful, CAPABLE and POWERFUL. If I could do this so can you. I was once one of the most unhealthy people I knew, now I'm the healthiest! I love myself and the way I look and feel and so can you. All you have to do is open your mind to the possibility of "Maybe this could solve my problems with ____________." or "I could have the body of my dreams for real, and be happy while doing it!". A plantbased lifestyle can and will change your body, mind and soul for the better if you are willing to make the change. It all starts with just one plantbased meal a day and see where it takes you, you could be surprised. I know I am!


Thanks Beautiful, for checking in at The Hippie Detox! I'm here to guide, educate and support you, Please feel free to contact me with inquires.


Love, Your Friend,









Hi there beautiful! My name is Chloe

Chloe - The Hippie Detox

Toronto, ON, Canada



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